

How can I motivate myself? – If you ask yourself this question now or more often, I want to show you today a very effective method by which you can quickly and effectively motivate yourself. It only takes three steps, which can push your motivation right in the short term.

It doesn’t matter if you want to motivate yourself to exercise in the evening after work, do you want to exercise early in the morning in the morning or something like that? want to do something else that brings you closer to your goals. Sometimes everyone needs a little more motivation. How can you get it quickly and efficiently, I want to give you a proven and quick solution here.

You will also receive some advice from me on how you can continuously and sustainably increase your motivation and your endurance. In my opinion, this is almost more important and even simpler, but it takes a little longer.

Please read the entire article even if you are just looking for a quick solution. After all, you don’t want to ask yourself the same question, “How do I motivate myself?” … If you don’t have time now, save this article and the referenced article and check back later.

By the way, the tips presented here are a short excerpt from my book Killer of Bastards, in which I take your hand to help you reach your goals step by step in order to overcome your inner bastard and finally reach him.

What is motivation?

For you to know how to motivate yourself, you need to understand what is really behind it. What exactly do you want / need to influence?

Motivation is a collection of all motives that lead to willingness to act and the desire of people to achieve goals or targets (based on the definition in Wikipedia). So motivation is basically anything that makes you do something that should bring you (your) goals closer.

It is also interesting to know that motivation can be influenced by mental and physical factors that can influence this willingness to act. Many people don’t know that these factors also influence each other, and you can use this for yourself. One book that opened my eyes in this context is “Don’t Think!” Richard Wiseman *.

Two important notes at this point:

  1. Motivation is not the same as willpower. The more motivated you are, the less willpower you have.
  2. Motivation is (often) not given, but done, and therefore can be influenced in different ways.

How you can use this for yourself is what the following sections talk about.

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How Do I Motivate Myself – Three Steps You Can Use To Motivate Yourself Quickly

The following method takes advantage of the interactions between your body, your mind and your subconscious mind. There are several ways to do this. For you, as a reader of my blog, I have chosen a simple and above all fast-paced three-step approach.

Of course, there are always better methods individually. However, this sequence is a very effective combination for most people.

1) One day you will die!

Okay? Are you more motivated already?

Such a simple sentence, with such power. If you do this in a positive way, it can release an incredible amount of energy.

American entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk once said that it was at the request of a fan to motivate him, and this video really inspired me. It is so simple and at the same time so powerful, because in principle it concerns the extremely important, because the inevitable fact of our life: it is of course. If you want to do something, don’t wait unnecessarily. Don’t waste your time, do something.

Whenever you try to motivate yourself, be aware of it again. Think about your goal and why you want to achieve it. If that doesn’t motivate you at all, you should work towards your goals. (Find a goal, formulate a goal, etc.)

2) motivational music

It’s really impressive what psychological and physical effects the right music can have on us. For this reason, I always recommend not to go without music for your workouts. In addition to the potential performance-enhancing aspects, music can also have a positive effect on your motivation. No wonder music is also considered one of the best amplifiers of natural energy.

You can find out for yourself which music is right for you. I’ve saved a few pieces of epic music for my favorite movies and would like to play them when I can boost my motivation a little. Hans Zimmer’s time (from the Inception soundtrack) is now an integral part of my morning ritual.

3) The five minute rule

Now it’s time to get started and get started. Get your body in motion and do whatever you want for at least five minutes. No matter how little time you have, no matter how little motivated you are, you can definitely do five minutes, right?

At the end of five minutes, you may still be wondering if you would like to stop earlier today this time. However, once you start moving and do something for yourself, chances are good it will be easy for you to keep moving.

This sequence doesn’t always work, but it certainly does. If you try again and again, you will find that this technique works less and less. But it’s also not meant to give you extra motivation all the time. Three steps can’t help you get more motivation in the long run. They help you (only) to give you support in a short time and, for example, to overcome a small minimum.

Wie motiviere ich mich - der Start ist der schwerste Schritt

The first launch is much easier after that!

Too little motivation – what is often behind it

If you ask yourself from time to time how you can motivate yourself to do something now, that’s perfectly fine. This is good and useful, and that is why there are methods, the sequence of which has just been explained. However, if you regularly feel that you have too little motivation, you should consider where it came from. If you constantly have to ask “How do I motivate myself?” then you should be wondering what is really behind this.

Short Term Motivational Tricks All Differences, But If You Are Constantly Having Motivation Problems And Need To Push Yourself, Then You Should Check Your Stove On The Floor! How clear are your goals and why? Are you (still) on the right course?

How I Motivate Myself – Tips for Lasting Motivation

If you are confident that you are pursuing the right goals for Dicht, have articulated them clearly and intelligently, and also clearly know why, then you are building a good foundation. This should ensure that you have less motivation problems. But this alone does not guarantee success.

To improve your chances, you can build on habits and behaviors that will ultimately lead you to your goals. For example, you can do this by making concrete changes to existing habits, creating meaningful new habits, and setting intermediate goals. These things will help you achieve your long-term, faster goals.

15 very specific tips on what else you can do for this can be found in my self-motivation article.

How can I motivate myself? – Your conclusion

Not being motivated is okay. There are several ways you can give yourself a short-term boost in motivation. In such a situation, just try the described sequence of actions. I’m sure this will help you!

Even if you still may not be able to motivate yourself, you shouldn’t take it too personally. Sometimes everyone has a day like this.

Especially if days like this happen more often, you should definitely deal with your goals, your long-term motivation, and your habits. The more stable your entire structure is, the easier it will be to reach your goal as quickly as possible without significant workarounds.

It doesn’t matter if you want to lose weight quickly, build muscle, just get better and fitter, or you want to achieve completely different goals. These success models work not only in the field of sports and fitness, but in almost all areas of life.

For my book, Killer of Bastards, I have developed a comprehensive system that guides you step by step from setting your goals to achieving them. The tips in this and other articles are just a small part of it.

Motivated Greetings


And don’t forget: your health is your health

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