
Mass phase for building muscle mass

I have been asked over and over again if such a massive phase is really necessary to build muscle. For this reason, I want to address the issue and topic of the mass phase in this article.

The word “mass phase” is negative for many. It seems to some that there is an idea that a person comes out of such a phase as a fat mountain of meat. Understandably, many athletes have a desire to build muscle without accumulating unwanted fat.

The mass phase is one of the absolute foundations of muscle building. However, it makes sense for me to hone this term somewhat. In this article, I want to explain to you what the bulk phase is and what it is. I’ll also clear up some rumors.

I’ll also explain why it makes sense to use it if you want to build muscle effectively and what to look out for.

At the end of the article, you should better understand whether the muscle building step makes sense for you and what are the most important rules for achieving good results.

What is a mass phase and what does it consist of

Mass phase is the phase in which targeted excess calories and hypertrophy training, which is optimized for muscle building, will achieve the highest possible muscle hypertrophy (gain in muscle thickness).

The mass phase does not mean that you can / should eat as much as you want. On the contrary, the goal of a good mass phase is to build as much muscle mass as possible while minimizing body fat.

But to make one thing clear: building muscle without gaining weight, or even losing weight at the same time, is not possible in the medium to long term. Only by being an absolute novice to training (with a high percentage of body fat) can you achieve both at the same time within a few months. In these cases, however, this is not as effective as possible.

Accordingly, you should always decide if you want to gain or lose muscle over the next few months and define your muscles. You can then adjust your diet and exercise routine accordingly.

Five good reasons why the muscle building phase makes sense


If you’re serious and really want your muscles to grow in the medium to long term, then a well-planned and executed mass phase will bring you numerous benefits that you don’t want to do without. Here are five good reasons for a structured, multi-month mass phase.

1) Excess calories are essential for building muscle

As mentioned in the introduction, muscle building is achieved through, among other things, excess calories. This is because it is required for the so-called anabolic processes. The body only builds the structures of the body that it does not necessarily need to survive, if it can afford that luxury. Additional muscle mass is such a luxury for our body.

Daily excess calories will put your body and muscles into an anabolic state for most of the day. The workout can now do what it should: stimulation that leads to muscle growth as part of regeneration.

Best results are obtained if this condition persists for a longer period of time. For this, a massive stage is usually planned and carried out, which lasts several months.

2) You will maximize your available learning outcomes

One of the factors affecting muscle building is moving weight. By consuming regular, similar and sufficient food, you can rely more on your training results.

With a structured bulk phase, you can create the best conditions for this. Your muscles always have enough energy to keep you from hungry while exercising.

3) Long-term development is the key to gaining muscle

Muscle building doesn’t happen overnight. The duration of muscle building is often underestimated. Muscle growth continues for months and years. This goes hand in hand with the positive development of an active training weight.

This regular increase in training weight is also called progression. This progression can be achieved through improved technique, muscle performance (for example, by better fiber activation through IK training), or simply through additional muscle mass. In any case, regular excess of essential nutrients over a longer period of time is preferred.

4) Focusing will help you achieve your goals

Consistently maintaining the correct baseline conditions over a longer period of time allows you to better focus on one goal. And, as you know, the focus is your superpower.

You should use this for yourself, and not jump consciously or unconsciously between structure and definition. It gets even trickier if you try to do both at the same time. Make a decision and then focus on one thing and then another. This is how you achieve your goals.

5) You don’t need to leave anything to chance

Of course, you don’t want your muscles (to a large extent) to be left to chance. Your goal is to build muscle, and then you must create the best conditions for it. This does not necessarily mean that you have to weigh every gram like in a crash diet. Muskelaufbau Produkte However, you must have a plan that you follow for a long time and that you can have a good overview.

This includes not only adequate and proper nutrition, but also the correct training structure in the mass phase to build muscle mass. I’ll briefly explain what’s important in the following sections.

How you should eat in your big phase

Massephase zum Muskelaufbau Ernährung

I want it to be very simple for now, and I will only give you two basic rules for eating well in your mass phase for muscle building. If you would like to know more about this, you can read my article on Good Diet.

1) Constant excess of calories

During your mass phase, you should aim for a consistent calorie surplus 10 to 20 percent above your calculated calorie level. You can calculate your calorie needs in several ways. You can also use my calorie calculator here on the website.

If you are gaining more than half a kilogram on average in a few weeks, you should get some weight down. If you are not gaining weight, you must adjust your calories upward. As your (muscle) mass increases, you must continually adjust your calorie intake, so always eat a little more.

2) The right nutrients in the main phase

After calories, the next thing you should do is make sure you have enough nutrients to build muscle. Protein plays the biggest role here. In the mass phase, 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day is a good rule of thumb that has proven itself. If you’re struggling to coat them with low-fat cottage cheese, Harz cheese and other protein foods, you can of course use one or the other> Help protein shake.

Fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which are rarely found in our food, are often underestimated. Fats are also needed for an optimal environment for muscle building and mainly for good health.

You need enough carbohydrates, especially before and after training, to have enough energy for maximum performance and to optimally support your regeneration afterwards.

When it comes to micronutrients, I recommend eating enough fruits and vegetables. If you manage to eat about 10 grams per pound of body weight each day, you already have a good foundation for a healthy life and effective muscle building.

There are also several beneficial supplements and muscle building supplements that you can take a look at. You can already do most of this with your diet.

How and how often you should train in the mass phase

Massephase zum Muskelaufbau Training

A good mass phase is not just sufficient, and there is the right phase. Your workouts should also be optimized so that you create the best conditions for building as much muscle as possible over the entire meal. It’s important that you have a good muscle building workout plan that’s right for you, your life circumstances, and your goals.

Again, I just want to briefly tell you about the five most important principles. You can read more about this in my article on muscle training.

  1. Exercise each muscle group at least two and no more than three times a week
  2. Train to maximize muscle hypertrophy in the 6-12 rep range
  3. Build your training with challenging basic exercises on
  4. Increase your training weight in small steps regularly (progress)
  5. Invest the time it takes to learn pure technique and test it regularly.

Also, as always during your workouts, you should of course take sufficient breaks between sets and warm up, be sure to achieve high performance and minimize the risk of injury.

Conclusion. You need a massive phase

If your goal is to build as much muscle as possible over a period of time, then you should definitely plan a mass phase for that period. Not only does this bring some benefits, but it is imperative even if you want to build muscle in the medium to long term.

I hope that after reading this article you understand that such a mass phase is not uncontrolled growth and hope for muscle growth. On the contrary, it is about creating the best conditions for building muscle with as little fat as possible. For this, of course, it is important to adhere to the rules of the game.

Don’t be afraid of fat. If you really want to build muscle, you can take on some of the fat that is always available. If you accumulate very little fat, you can also assume that with a little more excess muscle mass, there will be a little more. Plus, you’ll shed excess fat in the next phase of your diet or deficiency and then release your muscle strength.

If you’re not wasting time and want to start building muscle, I can recommend my book The Basics of Building Muscle. This gives you a quick overview of everything that really matters if you want to build muscle. This is the first true “Don’t bullshit” guide to effective muscle building. Depending on the package, there are also several tried and tested muscle building workout plans from which you can choose the one that suits you.

Muscle Greetings


And don’t forget: your health is your health!

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